How to choose the right Nixie Tube
Nixie Tubes Overview
Nixie Tube is a cold cathode lamp filled with gas (typically neon with some argon at a low pressure, mercury is sometimes added for longer life). They are used to be used for displaying numbers or other symbols. The Tube has one common anode and multiple cathodes, whose shape forms individual characters. Applying voltage between the anode and one of the cathodes, the respective cathode lights up (becomes surrounded by glow-discharge) and thus displaying the character (digit or symbol). The principle is similar to that of neon lamps. Similarity is also in color, which is orange. Ignition of the Nixie requires 150 to 200V, most commonly 170V.
Nixies were used primarily before the advent of other displays, such as VFD, LCD, and LED displays. Now they are no longer manufactured or fitted into factory-manufactured equipment. However, they are experiencing a renaissance and people like to return to them, particularly for the construction of a retro design digital Clocks. Some constructers mimic design of the time when Nixies were actually used, but there are also crazy anachronisms like Clocks with blue or RGB LEDs used to backlight the Nixies, Clocks controlled by human voice, Clocks full of SMD components and so on. A typical retro design includes traditional iron transformers, primitive logic circuitry like 7490, 7400 and 74141 Nixie driver. Anachronistic design usually involves switching Power Supply, switching inverter of anode voltage, LED backlight, multilayer boards with SMD components, microprocessors (MCU) like AVR or PIC, DCF-77 or even GPS sync, remote contro, etc. :).
Here are some examples of Gra&Afch Nixie Clocks:
Most popular Nixie Clock on IN-14 Nixie Tubes
Big Nixie Clock on Large IN-18 Nixie Tubes in Wooden Case
Small Nixie Clock on IN-12 Nixie Tubes in beautifuk Acrylic Case
Progressive IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Clock
Although no longer in production, there’s still huge stock of Nixies. They can be found in different old devices, but also new, unused. Small types were produced in very large quantities. Nixies with digit height up to about 2 cm are quite common and can be found in huge heaps in old stocks, old measuring instruments and so on, or bought for few dollars. In post-Soviet countries especially there are vast new old stocks (NOS) of Nixies with no use. Larger types (about 2.5 – 4 cm) are relatively rare and the largest (5cm or more) is rarity. Such large types were not produced in large amount, as their use was not very wide. Now Nixies are popular to construct Nixie Clocks as I already mentioned. At the time of their production, however, Nixies were rather used in measuring and computing equipment, as votmeters, multimeters, frequency counters, pulse counters, calculators and so on. Their use for digital Clocks was very rare and limited to special Clocks and timers for lab, industrial and automation purposes.
Below there I present a collection of some Nixie Tubes, that are most popular for making Nixie Clocks. Also there are a few tables that shows an overview of the most common Soviet Nixies. Note that the older types such as IN-1, IN-2, and IN-4 have a lifetime of just around 1000 h. Newer Nixies such as IN-8, IN-12, IN-14, IN-16, IN-17 and IN-18 have a specified lifetimes of about from 2000 to 12 500 h. This is probably caused by the addition of mercury, which limits evaporation of the cathode material and prevents cathode poisoning. The lifetime is still several times underestimated, it is a minimum guaranteed lifetime. With proper handling, mercury-enriched Nixies can serve without any problem more than 5 or even 10 years of continuous operation. Especially if all of the cathodes are used evenly and sufficiently often alternated. When used in Clocks it is therefore possible to achieve greater durability particularly in frequently changing digits (seconds), than in the Nixie measurement equipment, where most of the time they’re not active, showing all zeros. The old equipment, on the other hand, was used mostly in style of “switch on – use – switch off” and so equipment manufacturers did not think too much about how to prolong the Nixies life. They sometimes used unnecessarily high currents. The datasheets sometimes even did not mention lifetime, because for a device you turn on, use and turn off (eg. Multimeter) it is not important. The first types of Nixies had short life of around 1000 hours, the last ones 50 000 h and if cathodes were used evenly and sufficiently frequently switched, it could be even 500 000 hours. However, this is 57 years and it has never really been tested :).
It is necessary to note that the life expectancy especially of Soviet Nixies is very conservative and in fact can reach more than ten times the datasheet value. This is the “minimum operating life”, which differs considerably from that of “average life” or “mean life”. The minimum lifetime is the time during which a negligible percentage of units fails. In contrast, the average or mean life, which is today used for measuring for example the life of incandescent bulbs, flurescent lamps or displays is the time after which half of the units fails.
Nixie Tubes examples overview
Nixie Tubes types overview
Overview of Soviet (russian) Nixie Tubes types: height, what they display and their life expectancy
Type | Height of digit |
Displays | Life time | Note |
IN-1 (ИН-1) | 18 mm | 0…9 | min. 1000 h | |
IN-2 (ИН-2) | 9 mm | 0…9 | min. 1000 / 5000 h | * |
IN-4 (ИН-4) | 17 mm | 0…9 | min. 1000 h | |
IN-5A, IN-5A-1, IN-5B, IN-5B-1 (ИН-5А, ИН-5А-1, ИН-5Б, ИН-5Б-1) | 9 mm | Symbols | min. 1000 h | |
IN-7, IN-7A, IN-7B (ИН-7, ИН-7А, ИН-7Б) | 16 mm | Symbols | min. 1000 h / 800 h (A) / 400 h (B) | |
IN-8, IN-8-2 (ИН-8, ИН-8-2) | 18 mm | 0…9 (“,”) | min. 5000 / 10 000 h | * |
IN-12A, IN-12B (ИН-12А, ИН-12Б) | 18 mm | 0…9 (“,”) | min. 5000 / 7500 h | * |
IN-14 (ИН-14) | 18 mm | 0…9 “, ,” | min. 5000 / 12 500 h | * |
IN-15A, IN-15B (ИН-15А, ИН-15Б) | 18 mm | Symbols | min. 1000 h (A) / 800 h (B) | |
IN-16 (ИН-16) | 13 mm | 0…9 “, ,” | min. 5000 h | |
IN-17 (ИН-17) | 9 mm | 0…9 | min. 7500 / 9000 h | * |
IN-18 (ИН-18) | 40 mm | 0…9 | min. 2000 / 5000 h | * |
IN-19A, IN-19B, IN-19V (ИН-19А, ИН-19Б, ИН-19В) | 18 mm | Symbols | min. 3000 / 5000 h | * |
*different datasheets states different life expectancy.
Overview of Z***M series Nixies (RFT)
Type | Manufacturer | Base | View | Color | Digit height |
Displays | Decimal point |
Life expectancy |
Note |
Z522M | RFT ?, Valvo | socket | side | red | 30 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | old, similar to ZM1040, Z566M |
Z5220M | RFT ?, Valvo | socket | side | clear | 30 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | clear version of Z522M, old, similar to ZM1042, Z5660M |
Z560M | RFT | socket | top | red | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | similar to ZM1020 |
Z5600M | RFT | socket | top | clear | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | clear version of Z560M, similar to ZM1022 |
Z561M | RFT | socket | top | red | . | W – A ~ + V % ? | none | ? | . |
Z5610M | RFT | socket | top | clear | . | W – A ~ + V % ? | none | ? | clear version of Z561M |
Z566M | RFT | socket | side | red | 30 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | similar to ZM1040 |
Z5660M | RFT | socket | side | clear | 30 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | clear version of Z566M, similar to ZM1042 |
Z567M | RFT | socket | side | red | . | + – ~ | none | ? | Symbol Tube for Z566M |
Z5670M | RFT | socket | side | clear | . | + – ~ | none | ? | clear version of Z567M, Symbol Tube for Z5660M |
Z568M | RFT | socket | side | red | 50 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | . |
Z5680M | RFT | socket | side | clear | 50 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | clear version of Z568M |
Z570M | RFT | wires | side | red | 13 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | similar to ZM1080 |
Z5700M | RFT | wires | side | clear | 13 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | clear version of Z570M, similar to ZM1082 |
Z571M | RFT | wires | side | red | . | + – ~ | none | ? | Symbol Tube for Z570M, Z573M, Z574M |
Z5710M | RFT | wires | side | clear | . | + – ~ | none | ? | clear version of Z571M, Symbol Tube for Z5700M, Z5730M, Z5740M |
Z573M | RFT | wires | side | red | 13 mm | 0…9 | right | ? | . |
Z5730M | RFT | wires | side | clear | 13 mm | 0…9 | right | ? | clear version of Z573M |
Z574M | RFT | wires | side | red | 13 mm | 0…9 | left | ? | . |
Z5740M | RFT | wires | side | clear | 13 mm | 0…9 | left | ? | clear version of Z574M |
Z580M | RFT | wires | side | red | . | K M G T m ? n p | none | ? | Symbol Tube for Z570M, Z573M, Z574M |
Z5800M | RFT | wires | side | clear | . | K M G T m ? n p | none | ? | clear version of Z580M, Symbol Tube for Z5700M, Z5730M, Z5740M |
Z581M | RFT | wires | side | red | . | A Hz F H s S ? V | none | ? | Symbol Tube for Z570M, Z573M, Z574M |
Z5810M | RFT | wires | side | clear | . | A Hz F H s S ? V | none | ? | clear version of Z581M, Symbol Tube for Z5700M, Z5730M, Z5740M |
Z590M | RFT | wires | side | red | 10 mm | 0…9 | left and right | ? | . |
Z5900M | RFT | wires | side | clear | 10 mm | 0…9 | left and right | ? | clear version of Z590M |
Z870M | RFT | socket | side | red | 15.5 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | Bi-quinary, similar to ZM1030 |
Z8700M | RFT | socket | side | clear | 15.5 mm | 0…9 | none | ? | clear version of Z870M, Bi-quinary, similar to ZM1032 |
Overview of common ZM**** series Nixies
Type | Manufacturer | Base | View | Color | Digit height |
Displays | Decimal point | Life expectancy | Note |
ZM1000R | Valvo, Philips, Amperex … | socket | side | red | 14 mm | 0…9 | left | 100 000 h | Red version of ZM1000 |
ZM1000 | Valvo, Philips, Amperex … | socket | side | clear | 14 mm | 0…9 | left | 100 000 h | Clear version of ZM1000R |
ZM1020 | Tesla and others | socket | top | red | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | 100 000 h | similar to Z560M |
ZM1022 | Mullard, Valvo, Telefunken … | socket | top | clear | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | 100 000 h | clear version of ZM1020, similar to Z5600M |
ZM1030 | Tesla and others | socket | side | red | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | 50 000 h | Bi-quinary, similar to Z870M |
ZM1032 | Valvo, Amperex … | socket | side | clear | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | 50 000 h | clear version of ZM1030, bi-quinary, similar to Z8700M |
ZM1040 | Tesla and others | socket | side | red | 31 mm | 0…9 | none | 20 000 h / 100 000 h | *similar to Z566M |
ZM1042 | Tesla and others | socket | side | clear | 31 mm | 0…9 | none | 20 000 h / 100 000 h | *similar to Z5660M, clear version of ZM1040 |
ZM1080 | Telefunken, Mullard, Philips, Valvo … | wires | side | red | 13 mm | 0…9 | none | 30 000 h | similar to Z570M |
ZM1082 | Telefunken, Mullard, Philips, Valvo … | wires | side | clear | 13 mm | 0…9 | none | 30 000 h | clear version of ZM1080, similar to Z5700M |
ZM1080T | Tesla | wires | side | red | 13 mm | 0…9 | left and right | ? | can replace Z570M, Z573M and Z574M |
ZM1082T | Tesla | wires | side | clear | 13 mm | 0…9 | left and right | ? | clear version of ZM1080T |
*different datasheets state different life expectancy.
Some Nixies made in Poland (LC-*** series)
Type | Manufacturer | Base | View | Color | Digit height |
Displays | Decimal point | Life expectancy | Note |
LC-513 | Dolam | socket | top | clear | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | left | unknown | similar to ZM1022, Z5600M |
LC-516 | Dolam | socket | top | clear | 15,5 mm | 0…9 | none | unknown | similar to IN-1 |
LC-531 | Dolam | wires | side | clear | 13 mm | 0…9 | left and right | unknown | similar to ZM1082T |
LC-631 | Dolam | socket | side | clear | 30 mm | 0…9 | none | unknown | similar to Z5660M, Z5220M, ZM1042 |
Gra & Afch Nixie Clocks
We here at Gra & Afch offer Nixie Tubes of various types and sizes.
As well as Ready-to-Use assembled Clocks, Cases and DIY KITs that are presented in a separate sections in our shop.
And you can come visit it and look for yourself anytime: Nixie Tubes, Nixie Clocks without Cases, Nixie Clocks in Cases, DIY KITs for Nixie Clocks, Cases for Nixie Clocks.