Cases and Stands for Nixie Tubes Clocks
Beautiful Acrylic Cases and Stands for Nixie Tubes Clocks
Vintage Wooden Cases and Stand for Nixie Tubes Clocks
Modern Synthetic Granite Cases for Nixie Tubes Clocks
Acrylic Cases for Arduino Shields and NCT4xx3xx boards
Wooden Cases and Stand for Arduino Shields and NCT4xx3xx boards
Synthetic Granite Cases for Arduino Shields and NCT4xx3xx Boards
Cases for Divergence Meter and Divergence Meter mini Clocks

Showing all 31 results

  • Wooden Case for IN-18 Z5660M ZM1042 Nixie Tubes Clocks [NCT318+NCT818 NCT3566+NCT8566] [8 TUBES]

    Big Wooden Case for IN-18/Z5660M/ZM1042 Nixie Tubes Clocks [8 Tubes].

    IN-18 is hugest mass-produced digital nixie tubes.

    Project “Divergence Meter”.

    PCB design, chematic, housing and software made by GRA & AFCH.

    $499.00 Add to cart
  • Wooden Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks

    IN-18 is hugest mass-produced digital nixie tubes.Project “Divergence Meter”.
    PCB design, chematic, housing and software made by GRA & AFCH.

    $144.95$179.95 Select options
  • Wooden Case for IN-18 Z5660M ZM1042 Nixie Tubes Clocks [NCT318 NCT3566 BOARDS]

    IN-18 is hugest mass-produced digital nixie tubes.Project “Divergence Meter”.
    PCB design, chematic, housing and software made by GRA & AFCH.

    $129.95$164.95 Select options
  • Wooden Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks [4 TUBES]



    Project “Divergence Meter”
    Vintage Wooden Case for IN-18 Shield Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 4 IN-18 xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS318-4 Shield Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-18 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $159.95 Add to cart
  • Wooden Case for Clock on IN-18, ZM1042, Z566 or Z5660 Nixie Tubes [4 TUBES]



    Project “Divergence Meter”
    Synthetic Granite Case for Clock on IN-18, ZM1042, Z566 or Z5660 Nixie Tubes
    Case is designed for 4 IN-18, ZM1042, Z566 or Z5660 Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCM109 + NCT318 or NCT3566 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $159.95 Add to cart
  • Wooden Case for R|Z568M Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks [4 TUBES]



    Project “Divergence Meter”
    Vintage Wooden Case for R|Z568M Shield Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 4 R|Z6568M Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS3568-4 Shield Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    R|Z568 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $599.95 Add to cart
  • Synthetic Granite Case for IN-18 Z5660M ZM1042 Nixie Tubes Clocks [NCT318 NCT3566 NCS318 BOARDS]


    Synthetic Granite Case for Nixie Clock

    IN-18 Tubes are one of the biggest produced digital Nixie Tubes

    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $309.95$349.95 Select options
  • Synthetic Granite Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks [4 TUBES]



    Project “Divergence Meter”
    Synthetic Granite Case for IN-18 Shield Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 4 IN-18 xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS318-4 Shield Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-18 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $299.95 Add to cart
  • Synthetic Granite Case for Clock on IN-18, ZM1042, Z566 or Z5660 Nixie Tubes [4 TUBES]

    Project “Divergence Meter”
    Synthetic Granite Case for Clock on IN-18, ZM1042, Z566 or Z5660 Nixie Tubes
    Case is designed for 4 IN-18, ZM1042, Z566 or Z5660 Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCM109 + NCT318 or NCT3566 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH

    $299.95 Add to cart
  • Acrylic Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks

    Acrylic Case for Arduino Shield IN-18 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    $59.95 Add to cart
  • Acrylic Case for IN-18 Z5660M ZM1042 Nixie Tubes Clocks [NCT318 NCT3566 BOARDS]

    Acrylic Case for IN-18/Z5660M/ZM1042 Nixie Tubes Clocks.


    $49.95 Add to cart
  • Black Acrylic Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks

    Black Acrylic Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks

    $39.95 Add to cart
  • Black Acrylic Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks

    Economic Black Acrylic Case for IN-18 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks

    $34.95 Add to cart
  • Beech Wood Stand for IN-14 Shield for Arduino Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Beech Wood Stand
    for IN-14 Shield for Arduino
    Nixie Tubes Clocks


    $49.95 Add to cart
  • Synthetic Granite Case for IN-14 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Synthetic Granite Case for IN-14 Shield Nixie Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-14 xUSSR Nixie Tubes!
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics!
    IN-14 Tubes are the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS314 Shields and Arduino UNO or MEGA
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $249.95 Add to cart
  • Synthetic Granite Case for IN-14 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Synthetic Granite Case for Clocks on IN-14, IN-8, IN-8-2 or Z573 Nixie Tubes
    Case is designed for 6-tubes clock based on NCM109 electronics from GRA & AFCH!
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics!
    IN-14 Tubes are the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS314 Shields and Arduino UNO or MEGA
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $249.95 Add to cart
  • Clear Acrylic Case for IN-14 Shield for Arduino Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Clear Acrylic Case for IN-14 Shield Nixie Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-14 xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-14 Tubes are the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS314 Shields and Arduino UNO or MEGA
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $39.95 Add to cart
  • Black Acrylic Case for IN-14 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Black Acrylic Case for IN-14 Shield Nixie Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-14 xUSSR Nixie Tubes!
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-14 Tubes are the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS314 Shields and Arduino UNO or MEGA
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $49.95 Add to cart
  • Acrylic Case for IN-14 IN-8(8-2) Z573M Nixie Tubes Clocks [NCT4XX BOARDS]


    Clear Acrylic Case for IN-14 IN-8(8-2) Z573M Nixie Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-14 IN-8(8-2) Z573M Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT4XX and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-14 Tubes are the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $39.95$64.95 Select options
  • Acrylic Case for IN-14+IN-19A Arduino Shield NCS314-8C [9 Tubes] Nixie Tubes Clocks

    Acrylic Case for Arduino Shield IN-14+IN-19A Nixie Tubes Clocks


    $59.95 Add to cart
  • Oak Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Project “Divergence Meter mini”
    Noble Oak Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT412 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $189.95 Add to cart
  • Brushed Oak Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Project “Divergence Meter mini”
    Brushed Oak Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT412 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $189.95 Add to cart
  • Painted Plywood Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Project “Divergence Meter mini”
    Painted Plywood Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT412 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $99.95 Add to cart
  • Plywood Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Project “Divergence Meter mini”
    Clean Plywood Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT412 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $99.95 Add to cart
  • Acrylic Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Clear Acrylic Case for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT412 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $49.95 Add to cart
  • Black Acrylic Case for IN-12 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Stylish Black Acrylic Case for IN-12 Shield Nixie Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCS312 Shields and Arduino UNO or MEGA
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $44.95 Add to cart
  • Acrylic Stand for IN-12 Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Clear Acrylic Stand for IN-12 Shield Tubes Clocks
    Stand is designed for 6 IN-12 (AB) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Stand compatible with NCS312 Shield Boards!
    Only the Stand in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $14.95 Add to cart
  • Acrylic Stand for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Clear Acrylic Stand for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Stand is designed for 6 IN-12 (A\B) xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Stand compatible with NCT412 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Stand in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-12 Tubes are one of the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $14.95 Add to cart
  • Oak Case for IN-4 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Project “Divergence Meter mini”
    Noble Oak Case for IN-4 Nixie Tubes Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-4 xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT404 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-4 Tubes are one of the most beautiful mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $189.95 Read more
  • Black Acrylic Case for IN-4 Nixie Tubes Clocks


    Stylish Black Acrylic Case for IN-4 Nixie Clocks
    Case is designed for 6 IN-4 xUSSR Nixie Tubes
    Case compatible with NCT404 and NCM109 Boards
    Only the Case in this Listing without Tubes and Electronics
    IN-4 Tubes are one of the most beautiful mass-produced Nixie Tubes
    Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
    PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH


    $49.95 Read more