I have this problem with my NCS314 v2.2 IN-14 kit, that when powerd on for a few minutes, the tubes start flickering and after a while turning off.
A couple of video’s showing the problem:
Weird self test (Sometimes all digits in all the tubes are lit while doing selftest)
Couple of minutes after last video flickering starts
What i have tried:
– Using newest firmware from github.
– Using a different arduino.
– Placing tubes on different positions.
– Visually inspected the components (no burn marks or blown up capacitors)
Some remarks:
– After the flickering most of the time, tubes 4,5 & 6 turn off first before the other ones (So I’m thinking about a problem in the HV5122PJ-G chip (U2)).
– Arduino and buttons still work (as seen in arduino IDE serial output)
Is this a known problem you know how to solve? or are there things I can validate for you to better diagnose the issue?
By the way, love the tubes, they look amazing! Keep up the good work!