All Cathodes Lit on all Tubes


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Martin 1 year, 6 months ago.

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  • #44921

    Dheerendra Prasad

    Just finished my kit, mounted it and overlooked that the pins on Tube 1 were touching the caps. At first everything worked but when 7 was displayed all cathodes were lit. Now all cathodes are lit on all tubes – looks like I shorted something ! Where to look – is it the HV5122PJ that I have killed ?


    Jason Martin

    What Kit is this Dheerendra?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Jason Martin.

    Dheerendra Prasad

    This is the DIY KIT for IN-12 Nixie Tubes Clock on a Clear Acrylic Stand. Board is NCM 109. I solved the problem : D 12 was dry soldered – that meant no specific digit was being lit and all were lighting up – solved it by close inspection of circuit. Have a second NCM109 board where I have a flashing red power LED – not sure what to do. If i desolder the FET is is solid – resolder it and the power LED flashes – Any thoughts ?


    Jason Martin

    Have you tried reflashing it? Althought that almost sounds like a cap might have been put in backwards, or is failing… Look along that portion of the circuit and verify your cap directions, also that D20(IF you are using the U5 that requires that one!!!!) and D19 are oriented the correct way.

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