
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gra Afch 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi, I’m just getting started and want to write my own firmware to control the shield (NCS312 in my case). I am interested to know what the anti-poisoning routine does, and how often it needs to be done? From what I read you need to turn on each of the filaments every so often to keep them clean. How often does this need to be done?

    I will try the stock firmware too and see what it does. I have the shield now but I am still waiting for my Arduino!



    Gra Afch

    Hello Hamish.

    Antipoisoning routine turns segments every once in a while to keep them clean.
    You get it right. We decided to use it once in a minute in a form of showing Date and Temperature (optionaly).
    Some Nixie Clocks go farther and use the routine (turning all segments for each digit serially) at each digit change.
    No matter what it is: seconds, minutes or hours. You can create and implement your own algorithm.
    So feel free to experiment.

    And if there are any questions, write back.

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