Board wont power on


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  zack3Dprints 6 years ago.

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    When I power my Arduino Mega by its self, The power light turns on, but when it is plugged into the top board, (IN14 2.2 314 board) The power on the arduino doesn’t tun on, and the top board doesn’t do anything.

    What could be causing this?

    I believe it must be a power trip, since the Arduino doesn’t turn on either.

    could it be the rotation of my diodes on D11 & D14? I am using the + icon on the diodes to identify the anode.

    I can provide HD photos if needed.


    Gra Afch

    The link to the photos will make finding the problem easier.
    D11 and D14 do not have polarity, they can be installed in any position.



    Thanks, sorry for the delay, I was busy, and now I am ready to take a better look at it.

    Photos (Google Drive)

    I realize that there was a missing diode at R67, I cant believe I missed it.

    Still haven’t got any indication of power from the board.

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