Can it be set up to only show the TIME and not toggle between DATE and TIME?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Martin 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    I would like the clock to only be a clock. I don’t need it to display the date ever. Is it possible to set it up this way so that it never shows the date, but only the time?



    My reply is unfortunately not an answer…Just a way to tell that I share the same request. I find the automatic switch between time and date (each minute) very annoying ! Did you try to question (directly) the seller ? PS sorry for my broken english (I speak french).



    you need to change function modesChanger(), just leave menuPosition = TimeIndex; instead of selector



    Sorry but I don’t understand….Do I have to set it via Arduino (I know nothing about it !) or is there a “hidden hardware switch” on the PBC ?
    I bought the clock already assembled (without case)
    Thank you in advance for your help (and your tolerance for my english)



    you need to change the firmware, there is no other option (

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  vasques666.


    I’ve connected the clock to my PC equipped with the Arduino IDE software.
    I’ve downloaded the latest files from Gra&Afch.
    Where (in which file) do I have to change the function modes changer ()
    I see that function nowhere !!!
    Please help me ! Thank you


    Jason Martin

    I know that this is an old post:

    For my verion, NixieClock_NCM109.ino, I found the following code (line 385):

    if ((menuPosition == TimeIndex) || (modeChangedByUser == false) ) modesChanger();

    I commented out the IF check. So that the code now looks like:

    //if ((menuPosition == TimeIndex) || (modeChangedByUser == false) ) modesChanger();

    I am sure that you can likely find something along that line in your version if it is different.


    Jason Martin

    !!!One thing to keep in mind!!!

    If you do decide to turn off the function to display date and temp, you will need to rework the code to do the “antipoisoning” routines to keep your tubes from excessive build-up on elements that are not energized often. I did not mention this in my previous reply, but would be remiss if I didn’t mention it at all.

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