NCS314-8C v2.2 10/09/2018 problem on nixie lit on

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sacbns 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #27208


    My watch worked perfect for 1 year.
    now the nixie numbers are all lit, plus the led and the pink panther music is ok

    ok arduino
    12v ok
    05v ok
    180v ok

    I need help please


    Gra Afch

    Hello Bruno.

    It seems like you need to reload the firmware to your Arduino Shield board.
    Please use link to our GitHub channel to download the correct firmware:

    Also please use reference video for compiling and uploading the firmware to the Clock:

    If this will not solve the problem, write back.



    thanks for the reply, but it didn’t work.
    remembering that it worked perfectly for almost 1 year
    and I see that this problem is recurring in the forum.

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