NCS314 v2.2 IN-14 Flickering tubes after a couple of minutes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gra Afch 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    I have this problem with my NCS314 v2.2 IN-14 kit, that when powerd on for a few minutes, the tubes start flickering and after a while turning off.
    A couple of video’s showing the problem:
    Weird self test (Sometimes all digits in all the tubes are lit while doing selftest)
    Couple of minutes after last video flickering starts

    What i have tried:
    – Using newest firmware from github.
    – Using a different arduino.
    – Placing tubes on different positions.
    – Visually inspected the components (no burn marks or blown up capacitors)

    Some remarks:
    – After the flickering most of the time, tubes 4,5 & 6 turn off first before the other ones (So I’m thinking about a problem in the HV5122PJ-G chip (U2)).
    – Arduino and buttons still work (as seen in arduino IDE serial output)

    Is this a known problem you know how to solve? or are there things I can validate for you to better diagnose the issue?

    By the way, love the tubes, they look amazing! Keep up the good work!


    Gra Afch


    Please provide few pictures of your Shield assembly from both side,
    write at:
    This will help to troubleshoot.


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