NCS314 v2.2 tubes do not index – help appreciated

This topic contains 16 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Matthew Crouthamel 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #13423


    Hi there, put together NCS314 v2.2 kit but for some reason nixie tubes do not index (do not change illuminated digits, all digits are on at the same time)

    Clock assembled

    Nixie tubes close up photo

    When I power up the clock Arduino boots, plays a tune from ‘Pink panter’. Color LEDs work/change colors.

    Any suggestions what I could do wrong?



    When I press ‘mode’ button the clock beeps but nixie tubes do not start flashing.


    Gra Afch


    Yo did assembly good, according to description.
    But you haven’t loaded the firmware.
    Here is the link to guide for loading:

    And here is the link to firmware:

    Shield Board NCS314 (Shield for NIXIE CLOCKS)

    Select the right one.

    Please write back if any other questions.



    But you haven’t loaded the firmware.

    This is implausible because I don’t believe LEDs and beeper would work with with no firmware uploaded.

    Anyway, I followed the steps and flashed Arduino with v2.0 sketch (there is no v2.2 sketch in the repository).

    Still same, clock boots up, all digits in all tubes are on immediately, LEDs are on/changing colors, clock plays a tune from ‘Pink panter’ and this is it.



    It is possible I soldered some diode or a chip wrong way – there are no written instructions how to solder chips and no assembly video for v2.2 board. My main suspect is U7 – I can hardly see any markings on the chip.


    Soroush Lohrasb

    I have the exact same problem



    If all digits are illuminated at the same time, you must confirm that your Arduino has the firmware installed. If you connect an unflashed arduino, all digits will illuminate at the same time/

    The other possible reason is the you have accidentally bridged pins with solder, possibly on the U1 or U2 chips. Examine the solder connections VERY carefully and make sure nothing is bridged. You might need magnification because if you used too much solder, the bridging could be on the inside portion of the pins.


    Soroush Lohrasb

    I have loaded firmware 2.0 there is no v2.2 in the repository on Github. I have closely looked at U1 and U2 and there isn’t any bridging. Also bridging would only cause this problem to all of the tubes if I had many bridged pins.



    When I soldered the U1 chip, I accidentally bridged two pins (underneath the chip, and was not easily visible) and it caused all digits to illuminate. Once fixed, the clock functioned normally. Perhaps have a look again with ample light and magnification.


    Soroush Lohrasb

    Ok. I will check. Also, is there a version 2.2 firmware or is it just the v2.0 firmware?



    The 2.0 firmware is also intended for the 2.2 board. Does the clock play the pink panther melody?


    Soroush Lohrasb

    Yes it does. The LEDs cycle through the full range of colors too. It’s just the tubes having all the digits illuminated. That is on all 6 tubes



    Something is bridged somewhere. Can you take high resolution photos and post them, emphasis on the U1 and U2.


    Soroush Lohrasb

    I have removed the U1 and U2 Chips and have ordered new ones which I will solder on very carefully. It was difficult to tell if they were bridged so I decided upon replacement.

    I will post once i test after putting the new chips on. I should get them next week on the 23rd


    Matthew Crouthamel

    Similar issue here. Except, the clock worked at first. It ran for a few hours. I unplugged it and stored it for a few days, and when I plugged it back in, the tubes all glowed, but no LED, no sound, just i high-pitch capacitor sound. Reflashed the Arduino. Used another arduino. No obvious shorts or burnouts. Wondering if it’s a problem with the U1/2. I may re-do them with the chips that don’t curl underneath.


    Matthew Crouthamel

    okay. I’m a dope. I soldered the 250V cap backwards. So probably fried something!!!


    Matthew Crouthamel

    Update: GRA-AFCH sent a great troubleshooting table, specifically for this problem.
    Still not working. All the lights in the tubes are lit, but no music and the RGB LEDs are not lit.

    -I had C15 reversed. Resoldered it and tested it, still works.

    Same problem though.

    Running through the list:
    1. Voltage at TP3 is 0.8 V (not 5V). I did try a second Arduino Mega with the same results.
    2. D15 is okay. Double checked U7, L2, R62, R63, and C14.
    3. Voltage at MOSI, SCK, and LE is 5V
    4. Voltage at MOSIO, SCKO, and LEO is 10.8v.

    Any advice?


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