NCT818 – Not possible to install pin 14 in NX8

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Martin 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    I don’t see any way to install the IN18 into NX8 with the U4 socket in place, and given that the PCB is built for the socket, no way to complete this build.

    What am I missing? Any help is appreciated.

    Pin 14 Blocked on NCT818



    Before anyone comments, I’ve already resoldered R812. 🙂



    Here’s how I solved this:

    I took a pin socket and snipped it where it would normally meet the top of the board:

    I then pit it on a tube in order to position it:

    I then soldered that onto the top of the board using a very fine iron tip:

    I’m not super thrilled that I needed to do this, but it seems to work, and so long as you’re not constantly pulling the tube in and out, it should last forever.


    Jason Martin

    I can completely agree with you that you should not have to do this. However, that is likely the best option for the problem. Youi might have been able to leave a bit more of the “socket” pin than you have, but that is a nice job that you have done!

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