Raspberry PI and NCS314-8C

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  David Reynolds 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    I plan to build a Nixie Clock using a Raspberry PI, the adaptor shield and the NCS314-8C board.

    I’m system engineer but novice for this subject.

    How can I address the last 4 tubes at the right (including the IN-19 tube) ?

    Other question, will a “Raspberry PI V3 B+” work for this project ?

    Thanks a lot…



    I’m trying to do the same thing. I got the CLITool to think it is working but all I see on my NCS314-8C is darkness, other than a very quick flash of the LEDs when power is first applied to the PI HAT adaptor shield. Have you at least gotten the first 6 nixies working? The help response for the CLITool says [digits] - and six or nine digits which makes me hopeful that there is a chance for it to work, but I’ve just got a blank clock.
    Everything works fine when I take the Raspberry Pi and adaptor off and plug in the Arduino, so something is either wrong in the adapter itself or in the software.
    I realize this post is over 2 years old, and there have been no replies, so I’ll start a new post and see if anyone has tried this recently.



    As an update to this, I’m building a clock driver in Rust for this clock and was able to get all the tubes modeled in code and have a functioning clock. I am still working on additional feature integration like anti-poisoning, temperature display, etc., but the basics are there. The repo is at https://github.com/Graphex/gfx_clock


    David Reynolds

    I recognize this post is quite old, but I am curious if you found the problem that you were having with no display on the tubes with the Pi adapter plugged in?

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