TP4 has no voltage

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gra Afch 5 years ago.

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    I bought NCS314 HW v2.2 and installed the HW 2.0 firmware.
    The leds flushed cycle colors, but tubes not flushed and sound test not worked.
    I checked voltage TP1, TP2, TP3 was OK, but TP4 was no voltage.
    I also checked parts’s voltage, L1 was 12V, but D9 was no voltage.
    Is there a debugging procedure for the hardware? Anything that I can test and fix?


    Gra Afch


    Please use attached list of instructions to troubleshoot your assembly.
    It seems like there is a problems with HV DC-DC converter.
    Write back for further help if needed.


    Power LED light up,
    But Tubes and dots not light.

    “180 Volts DC-DC converter do not work”:

    – Check voltage at TP4* must be 180V.
    – Check the external power supply connections to the Arduino.
    – The power supply must be 12 VDC with a current of at least 1A.
    – Check the connection between Arduino and Shield NCS314.
    – The Shield takes power from Arduino on pin Vin – сheck the voltage at that pin (should be 11.3 – 12 volts).

    Input voltage (under load) dropped below 11 volts:

    – Check voltage at Test Point TP1* must be 11.3-12.5V
    – Check voltage at Test Point TP2* must be 11.3-12.5V
    – Try adjusting the voltage with a trimmer R56 (up to 170 – 180 volts)
    – Check soldering quality of components: U6 (check the key), R53, R36, R61, R50, R56, R58, Q1, L1, D9. Also check key for U6 and polarity for D9.

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