IN-18 Nixie Clock with Sockets and Columns in Artistic synthetic Granite Case [SMF, RGB, USB, Tunes] (Tubes) (Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Receiver, IR Remote) (with Power Supply)

Units Sold: 1


Model “Divergence Meter Granite”
Nixie Clock in Synthetic Granite Case with Columns
Designed for 6 IN-18 xUSSR Nixie Tubes with Sockets
IN-18 Tubes are one of the biggest mass-produced Nixie Tubes
Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
Clock features Startup Tune, RGB backlight, USB port for updates
External Temperature sensor with 3.5 mm jack included with the Clock
Accessories include Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Receiver, IR Remote
Nixie Clock is fully compatible with Arduino platform program codes
It allows you to write your own uniqe programs for the Arduino platform
All the latest Source codes are always available on our GitHub channel
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH



IN-18 Nixie Tubes Clock with Sockets and Columns in Artistic synthetic Granite Case


Model “Divergence Meter Granite”

Nixie Clock in Synthetic Granite Case with Columns

Designed for 6 IN-18 xUSSR Nixie Tubes with Sockets

IN-18 Tubes are one of the biggest mass-produced Nixie Tubes

Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks

Clock features Startup Tune, RGB backlight, USB port for updates

External Temperature sensor with 3.5 mm jack included with the Clock

Accessories include Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Receiver, IR Remote

Nixie Clock is fully compatible with Arduino platform program codes

It allows you to write your own uniqe programs for the Arduino platform

All the latest Source codes are always available on our GitHub channel

PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH





Listing includes:


  • Nixie Clock with Sockets and Columns in synthetic Granite Case
  • IN-18 Nixie Tubes [6 Tubes Set] (optional, choose in selector)
  • Temperature sensor [DS18B20] [3.5mm jack] (optional, choose in selector)
  • GPS Receiver [GA-6] [3.5mm jack] (with Arduino) (optional, choose in selector)
  • IR Receiver [Receiver] [3.5mm jack] (with Arduino) (optional, choose in selector)
  • IR Remote [RMX153R] [IR] (with Arduino) (optional, choose in selector)
  • Power Supply [DC 12V/1A] [US, EU, UK, AU] (included, optional AC plug)
  • Operating Instruction on vintage-style paper



Temperature sensor is included with the Clock

Power Supply is included with the Clock



We offer optional accessories for Nixie Clocks:


Dear customers!
If you have ANY questions, PLEASE ASK us.



Our Benefits:


  • A special Socket for each pin of IN-18 – easy to change Tubes.
  • Easy to customize firmware under Your own needs, thanks to an open platform – Arduino.
  • Fast uploading via USB.
  • The latest version of the firmware always available on GitHub.
  • No need to download drivers – we are use only Genuine USB to serial converters (FTDI FT230).
  • Drivers for them pre-installed in all popular OS: Windows, MacOS, Linux.
  • Human friendly menu.
  • Very high quality of Printed Circuit Boards.
  • Japan alluminium capacitors.
  • Power-On Self-Test.
  • Competent Technical support.



Main Features:


  • Clock uses the biggest Nixie Tubes IN-18 – 6 pcs.
  • Date format: [DD:MM:YY]; 12/24 hour format: [HH:MM:SS].
  • Slot Machine (Anti poisoning – tubes saving function. Increases the service life).
  • Unique RGB LED backlight with 16,7 million colors. Possible to choose any constant color off backlight LED and memorize it. Or you have option for a cyclic full spectrum color change!
  • Switching on/off LED backlight in the matter of seconds.
  • As alarm sound clock uses standard RTTTL (Nokia format) melodies, so you can easily change it (included songs: Mission Impossible, We Wish You…).
  • Easy updating firmware via USB using Arduino IDE.
  • Software based on Arduino Sketch, so MCU has Arduino bootloader within.
  • Power On Self-Test (POST): LED backlight, tubes and sound. You can check firmware version at the end.
  • Unique detailed tube test – our soft check each segment on every lamp. Distinguishable to see segment failure.
  • High quality PCB and components. We use Japanese aluminum capacitors only (Nichicon, Panasonic).
  • Clock use 12 V/1 A Power Supply INCLUDED in package. Working on 100 – 240 VAC input.
  • You can choose between: US, EU, UK, AU plug.
  • Dimensions: 340 mm x 97 mm x 112 mm (13.4in x 3.81in x 4.4in)
  • Weight of the Clock with Tubes: 1,7 kg  (3.74 lbs)



IN-18 Nixie Tubes Clock Divergence Meter Granite by GRA & AFCH






IN-18 Nixie Tubes Clock Divergence Meter Granite by GRA & AFCH




Operating Instruction



Dear customers!
If you have ANY questions, PLEASE ASK us.