Gra Afch

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  • Gra Afch


    Please provide few pictures of your Shield assembly from both side,
    write at:
    This will help to troubleshoot.


    in reply to: TP4 has no voltage #27305

    Gra Afch


    Please use attached list of instructions to troubleshoot your assembly.
    It seems like there is a problems with HV DC-DC converter.
    Write back for further help if needed.


    Power LED light up,
    But Tubes and dots not light.

    “180 Volts DC-DC converter do not work”:

    – Check voltage at TP4* must be 180V.
    – Check the external power supply connections to the Arduino.
    – The power supply must be 12 VDC with a current of at least 1A.
    – Check the connection between Arduino and Shield NCS314.
    – The Shield takes power from Arduino on pin Vin – сheck the voltage at that pin (should be 11.3 – 12 volts).

    Input voltage (under load) dropped below 11 volts:

    – Check voltage at Test Point TP1* must be 11.3-12.5V
    – Check voltage at Test Point TP2* must be 11.3-12.5V
    – Try adjusting the voltage with a trimmer R56 (up to 170 – 180 volts)
    – Check soldering quality of components: U6 (check the key), R53, R36, R61, R50, R56, R58, Q1, L1, D9. Also check key for U6 and polarity for D9.

    Gra Afch

    Hello Bruno.

    It seems like you need to reload the firmware to your Arduino Shield board.
    Please use link to our GitHub channel to download the correct firmware:

    Also please use reference video for compiling and uploading the firmware to the Clock:

    If this will not solve the problem, write back.

    in reply to: NCM109 Wifi #27190

    Gra Afch

    Hello Alex.

    Unfortunately the limitations of the processor for this Board (Atmega328P) does not allows to add more functionality such as NTP sync and others.
    If you are capable of working with Atmega code, you do you own development and try to widen functionality.
    This platform is compatible with Arduino platform and it is opensource.
    Feel free to use our code from our GitHub repository.

    If there will be any other questions, feel free to ask.

    in reply to: IN-14 Shield NCS314 v3.3 display options #25859

    Gra Afch


    1. The code segment from another thread is applicable for new Shield ver. as well. You can use it.
    2. Date display can be disabled as well in SlotMachine routine, before providing code needs to be checked.
    3. Changing the period for activating SlotMachine also possible, please use this line:
    ‘#define timeModePeriod 60000’ – 1 minute (value in milliseconds, can be changed)

    Will write back to you with ousting the ‘time’ display in SlotMachine code segment.

    in reply to: NCS314 v2.2 how to control LEDs #25854

    Gra Afch


    The LEDs under the Tubes can be controlled with use of back panel buttons.
    Please refer to User Manual for the commands on LEDs.

    Universal Manual for NIXIE Tubes Clocks based on NCM107 or NCM109 boards


    in reply to: anti-poisoning #25468

    Gra Afch

    Hello Hamish.

    Antipoisoning routine turns segments every once in a while to keep them clean.
    You get it right. We decided to use it once in a minute in a form of showing Date and Temperature (optionaly).
    Some Nixie Clocks go farther and use the routine (turning all segments for each digit serially) at each digit change.
    No matter what it is: seconds, minutes or hours. You can create and implement your own algorithm.
    So feel free to experiment.

    And if there are any questions, write back.

    in reply to: shield with 3V controller #25445

    Gra Afch


    I must say that we have not been testing it with 3 V logic controller.
    And most likely it will not work.
    You can try it out.
    Remove as you said the SCL/SDA pullups and two resistors from DS3231SN (RTC).
    Write back then on your findings.


    in reply to: Lost tube displays #21683

    Gra Afch


    Please provide a video of the Clock at work with troublesome Tubes.
    For inspection and diagnostic purposes.
    Write at


    in reply to: NCS314: What does the Variable Resistor adjust? #21581

    Gra Afch

    Hello Ric.

    This resistor, the Trimmer, adjusts the High Voltage supplied to the Tubes.
    Voltage in turn regulates the brightness of the Tubes.
    The voltage should be in range of ~175-190V for normal Tubes function.

    in reply to: NCM109 Night Mode #21072

    Gra Afch

    Hello Kordus.

    This feature can be implemented in firmware.
    But we hadn’t had the time to make it a working update.
    If you are familiar with the programming, we are encourage you for such modifications.
    For now we can’t spare a time for that.
    Maybe in the near future.


    in reply to: All digits on Tubes are on #21057

    Gra Afch

    Hello Watterson.

    The problem is apparently with HV chip on NCM109 board.
    Check the voltages on TestPoints:

    SCK – 4.9 V
    SCK0 – 11.76 V
    MOSI – 4.97 V
    MISI0 – 11.74 V
    LE0 – 11.71 V
    TP1 – 5 V
    TP2 – 177.9 V
    TP3 – 11.77 V

    Write back then.

    in reply to: NCS314 Shield – L1 getting VERY hot #20644

    Gra Afch

    Try to check resistors R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6.
    They should be 24 kOhm (marked as 243).

    in reply to: Nixie clock error? #20594

    Gra Afch

    No, code is OK!
    just checked:
    1. Remove all libraries from C:\Users\\Documents\Arduino\libraries
    2. Put here are libraries from github repo:
    3. And take the sketch from archive above.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Gra Afch.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Gra Afch.
    in reply to: Help — NC314 2.2 starts up, but no tubes #20181

    Gra Afch

    Hello Derek.

    Everything seems to be right.
    The firmware version is correct.
    And all: Pink panther tune, diodes flashing seems right.
    Before trying another Arduino board try the following.
    If you are familiar with electrotechnics, you can test the Shield board.
    Use the reference below and check high voltage (175-180V) at test points.

    Write back with your findings.

    Actually here are some general recommendations:

    – Check connections of power supply to Arduino board. The power supply should be at least 12V and 1A. Also check polarity
    – Check connection between Arduino and Shield board
    – Check voltage at test point 1 TP1, should be 11.3-12.5V
    – Check voltage at test point 1 TP2, should be 11.3-12.5V
    – Try to regulate high voltage at trimmer R56, within range 170-190V
    – Check quality of soldering at U6 chip, also check key orientation
    – Check quality of soldering of: R53, R36, R61, R50, R56, R58, Q1, L1, D9. Also check the polarity for D9.

    in reply to: Disable audio #13437

    Gra Afch


    Use Manual to disable it.
    This is probably the Alarm.
    Use user manual to disable it.
    There is a section for it specifically.


    Gra Afch


    Yo did assembly good, according to description.
    But you haven’t loaded the firmware.
    Here is the link to guide for loading:

    And here is the link to firmware:

    Shield Board NCS314 (Shield for NIXIE CLOCKS)

    Select the right one.

    Please write back if any other questions.

    in reply to: How to disable the separator dots #13039

    Gra Afch

    Hello, Carlos.
    Disabling separating Dots is possible through slight change in the firmware.
    If you familiar with programming can do this by yourself.
    Should comment doDotBlink() function in this block.

    switch (menuPosition)
    case TimeIndex: //time mode
    if (!transactionInProgress) stringToDisplay = updateDisplayString();
    blankMask = B00000000;

    Try it.

    in reply to: IN-18 – 4 Tubes #12947

    Gra Afch

    The firmware development is still in progress, so by now option of using 4 tubes only not completed. Keep up for updates.

    in reply to: Nixies won't light up and Q1 overheating #12929

    Gra Afch

    If at TP3 is not at least 11.2 volts, then the problem is most likely in the power supply.

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