Showing all 10 results
DIY KIT for IN-14+IN-19A Shield Nixie Clock with Dots [SMF, RGB, USB, Tunes] (Tubes) (Sockets, Columns) (Arduino) (Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Remote) (Power Supply) [9 Tubes]
Project “Divergence Meter mini”
DIY KIT for IN-14+IN-19A Shield Nixie Clock
Arduino Shield Nixie Tubes Clock with Columns
Designed for 8 IN-14+IN-19A xUSSR Nixie Tubes with Sockets
IN-14 Tubes are the most popular mass-produced Nixie Tubes
Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
Clock features Startup Tune, RGB backlight, USB port for updates
Shield options include Tubes, Columns, Sockets and Power Supply
Accessories include Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Remote
Shield Clock is designed for Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560 Boards
It allows you to write your own uniqe programs for the Arduino platform
All the latest Source codes are always available on our GitHub channel
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$114.95 – $330.95 Select optionsDIY KIT for Z568M Large Shield Nixie Clock with Sockets and Dots [SMF, RGB, USB, Tunes] (Tubes) (Columns) (Arduino) (Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Remote) (Power Supply)
Project “Divergence Meter”
DIY KIT for R|Z568M Shield Nixie Clock
Arduino Shield Nixie Clock with Columns
Designed for 6 R|Z568M / Z568M Nixie Tubes with Sockets
R|Z568M Tubes are the biggest mass-produced Nixie Tubes
Nixie Clocks are one of the most beautiful and popular Vintage Clocks
Clock features Startup Tune, RGB backlight, USB port for updates
Shield features Sockets and options include Tubes, Columns, Power Supply
Accessories include Temp. sensor, GPS Receiver, IR Remote
Shield Clock is designed for Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560 Boards
It allows you to write your own uniqe programs for the Arduino platform
All the latest Source codes are always available on our GitHub channel
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCHArduino MEGA 2560 Control Board [for Shield Boards]
The Arduino MEGA 2560 is a Control Board for Shield Tubes and DDS Boards
Nixie Shield Boards are compatible with Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560 Control Boards
DDS Shield Boards are compatible with Arduino UNO and MEGA 2560 Control Boards
Hundreds of thousands of Arduino Boards are already fueling people’s creativity all over the world everyday
Arduino platform allows you to write your own unique programs on it
The latest sources are always available on our afch Github repository
PCB Design Schematics Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH
$33.95 Select optionsDDS AD9910 v3 Shield for Arduino RF Signal Generator AM/FM/SWEEP [600 MHz, @1.5 GHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9910 Shield for Arduino
This device is designed to ensure seamless integration with Arduino MEGA 2560
It does not require any extra wires or converters to work properly
For maximum performance we recommend Ultra-low noise reference oscillator RCLN1000
All functions of the DDS AD9910 are brought to the contacts from the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9910 Shield
PCB Design Schematics Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$209.95 – $289.95 Select optionsDDS AD9910 v2 Shield for Arduino RF Signal Generator AM/FM/SWEEP [600 MHz, @1.5 GHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9910 Shield for Arduino
This device is designed to ensure seamless integration with Arduino MEGA 2560
It does not require any extra wires or converters to work properly
For maximum performance we recommend Ultra-low noise reference oscillator RCLN1000
All functions of the DDS AD9910 are brought to the contacts from the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9910 Shield
PCB Design Schematics Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$199.95 – $279.95 Select optionsDDS AD9912 Arduino Shield RF Signal Generator, Sine-Wave, CMOS, HSTL [600 MHz, @1.3 GHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9912 Arduino Shield
Easy connection to Arduino MEGA 2560 without additional wires and converters
For maximum performance we recommend Ultra-low noise reference oscillator RCLN1000
All functions of the DDS AD9912 are brought to the contacts of the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9912 Shield
PCB Design Schematics Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$199.95 – $279.95 Select optionsDDS AD9959 Arduino Shield RF Signal Generator 4 Synchronized DDS Channels [225MHz, @600 MHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9959 4 Synchronized DDS Channels
Arduino Shield Easy connection to Arduino MEGA 2560 without additional wires and converters
All functions of the DDS AD9959 are brought to the contacts of the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9959 Shield
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$189.95 – $269.95 Select optionsDIY KIT for DDS AD9959 Arduino Shield RF Signal Generator 4 Synchronized DDS Channels [225MHz, @600 MHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DIY KIT for DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9959 4 Synchronized DDS Channels
Arduino Shield Easy connection to Arduino MEGA 2560 without additional wires and converters
All functions of the DDS AD9959 are brought to the contacts of the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9959 Shield
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$189.95 – $269.95 Select optionsDDS AD9914 Arduino Shield RF Signal Generator [1.4GHz @3.5GHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9914
Arduino Shield Easy connection to Arduino MEGA 2560 without additional wires and converters
All functions of the DDS AD9914 are brought to the contacts of the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9914 Shield
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$699.95 – $779.95 Select optionsDDS AD9915 Arduino Shield RF Signal Generator [1GHz @3GHz Core Clock, Low Spurs, Low Harmonic]
DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Analog Devices AD9915
Arduino Shield Easy connection to Arduino MEGA 2560 without additional wires and converters
All functions of the DDS AD9915 are brought to the contacts of the Arduino MEGA
With this you can fully reveal all the capabilities of the DDS AD9915 Shield
PCB, Design, Schematics, Case and Software made by GRA & AFCH$599.95 – $679.95 Select options